My amazing Husband!

My amazing Husband!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

How we came to our Decision!

       Our decision to do IVF was not a quick decision. From the beginning of this journey I kept saying I would do anything, but IVF. I didn't want to believe that we couldn't  have babies the "natural" way and I didn't want to mess with my hormones. When our second IUI failed in June, our doctor called us into his office to have a serious talk. He stated that both IUI were "Text book perfect", there was no reason for the failure. He gave us 3 options at this point;
  1.   We could try another IUI, but he only gives us an 8% chance of it working. An IUI only has a 10-20% chance the first try and decreases with each month:(
  2. Laparoscopic surgery to just look around at everything to see if everything looked normal and that I don't have endometriosis. 
  3. IVF
   We knew we didn't want to do another IUI, because we couldn't take another month of no baby. We didn't like our odds of 8%. My husband really wanted me to have the minor surgery to see what we were dealing with, but as the doctor explained it would put us back a few months from getting pregnant and we would end up doing IVF anyways. It took us a good 2 weeks before we called the doctor back to tell him our decision to move forward with IVF. We also told him we didn't want to have the transfer until at least September, so it would give us time to relax before the madness started! Our insurance will pay for 80% of our IVF cost and all of our medications. Knowing this information also helped with our decision, because why go thru another IUI or surgery if you going to end up here anyways?! We would be wasting more money and still have no baby! We feel very blessed that our insurance is paying for majority of our cost. We were really thankful when we received one of my medications that cost us $50, but insurance paid $3,000! It just amazes me that insurance companies are still not wanting to pay for it. I know it cost a lot of money, but the outcome of a beautiful baby is worth it:) So our decision was made to begin the process...

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