My amazing Husband!

My amazing Husband!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Our TTC Story:)

         Lets start from the beginning of our journey! I am 27 yrs old and my husband is soon to be 31 yrs old! We have been together for 7 years, but only married for 2. We decided together that we would just let things happen when we got married. I was secretly hoping we would get pregnant right away:) Well of course 4 months go by and still no pregnancy. We decided that in January we would really start putting effort into having a looking at a fertility calender! Well we ended with a BFP on March 11, 2012, but we miscarried alittle over a week later:( We had an appt. with our OB the following Monday to make sure everything was fine. After this appt. we were very optimistic, because we had gotten pregnant so quickly! Our doctor suggested to keep doing what we were doing and follow up in a few months. My husband and I did take sometime to grieve, because we still felt sadness/disbelief that this had happen to us. We were told by so many that getting pregnant would be a breeze and don't stress about it! Well our story was different...

         About 3 months later I missed one of my periods. I was then diagnosed with PCOS, because I had multiple cyst in my ovaries, that wouldn't allow me to ovulate! I questioned the doctor multiple times, because my periods have always been 28 days apart and duration of 5 days! I don't have any characteristics of PCOS, but I just trusted my doctor. We were then put on a medication, Clomid, to help jump start ovulation. This medication taste terrible and actually stopped me from ovulating completely. We did 5 rounds and then decided to see a Fertility specialist.
      Our first appointment was in February and I will never forget his reaction to us. Before I could even speak our RE asked if he could do an ultra sound. He confirmed that I do NOT have PCOS:) This discovery was good/bad, because now we don't know why we can't get pregnant:( We are now classified as unexplained infertility?!! My husband was tested and has lots of sperm, but low motility! We tried another oral ovulation booster, Letrozole, but no success! We then proceeded on to IUI procedure, which we failed twice! We were only given a 20% chance from the beginning, but we still had hope! Our RE doctor only gave us an 8% chance of an IUI working a third time. He says your chances go down each month you do the procedure:( So now here we are...IVF bound:)

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