My amazing Husband!

My amazing Husband!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Egg Retrieval!

     The day we have been waiting for, Egg Retrieval time:) it feels like time passed quickly and slowly all at the same time! Is that possible? I had given myself 30 some injections by this time, so I was more than ready for this day! We can't say it enough, we have been so blessed during this journey. We checked in exactly at 6am on Friday, September 5th. We had to fill out paperwork and meet the staff who would be taking care of me during surgery! At this point I was getting very nervous about the anthesia, because I have never had surgery before and I felt like I was losing control.  Here is my before surgery picture...

      I was only able to sleep around 4 hours! I was just anxious and of course the first football game of the season was the night before:) The surgery itself only took about 15 minutes, but we  were there for a total of  2 and 1/2 hours. The first hour of being there was filling our paper work and getting my IV put in. When they wheeled me back to the OR, my husband went to do his part;) He still thinks his participation in this whole journey was harder than what I had to do, but don't worry I set him straight! Lol! Once in the OR our embryologist( the person in-charge of fertilizing our eggs) asked my name again and I was out! I woke up about 15 minutes later with a snack and drink waiting for me! Our doctor and embryologist both came in to give us the great news...16 EGGs were retrieved:) Our doctor  also stated that everything looked perfect and expects a good transfer! We were both so happy, because this just means there are 16 eggs to work with, not 16 babies. While waiting to go home I felt great, until I went to stand, I begin to feel nauseous. I was able to fight through it and made it home safely. I slept most of the day and only puked once. I wasn't able to take the pain medication that was prescribed, because every time it made me sick. I even ate full meals with it, it just wasn't my friend. I just took Tylenol every 4-6 hours and slept a lot the next few days. The only complaint I have is abdomen pain/tenderness, but I think it's because I'm constipated:( I had read so many blogs that said to take a stool softener, but I didn't listen. I am now 3 days out from the surgery and still having constipation pains. I honestly believe I only had pain from the surgery on Friday and the last few days have been from not going to the bathroom. I'm not allowed to take laxatives or anything that acts like a laxative, because you need all the water to stay in your body. I keep thinking this shall pass too:)

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