Saturday morning, the day after our retrieval, we received a call from our embryologist. She let us know that we had 16 eggs retrieved, but only fertilized 14 of them. Out of the 14 embryos only 8 survived he fertilization! We both were so happy to hear this, because we didn't want to have to many or too little embryos! We are going to put back 2 embryos back and freeze the remaining 6! We just praise God for this amazing journey and beautiful outcome. We also found out that we are doing a 5 day transfer, which is what we both wanted. The 5 days between the retrieval and transfer will give my body time to heal, so our 2 embryos can snuggle in nicely.
Also the day after the retrieval I started on estrogen and progesterone vaginally twice a day. I have to be on both of these medications to keep my hormone level up, because before the retrieval my levels were very high. Each follicle produces estrogen and progesterone, which helps with egg development/ uterus wall thickness. We won't the best possible uterus/endometrium for the embryos to be transferred into, so they won't want to leave:) I still feel bloated, but love that I don't have anymore injections at this time. Now we just wait until egg transfer on Wednesday September 10th at 8:15am:) We just ask for continued prayers for our little embryos to keep growing and for a smooth embryo transfer:)
I'll be praying for you both on Wednesday! Keep good thoughts and send them out to all couples trying to become parents!